Tuesday, April 25, 2017

I. Can’t. Believe. This...

If you were one of the thousands of people who attended the Facebook LIVE event with Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback yesterday, you learned about the BOMB they dropped on the ASM7 launch…

They’ve officially eliminated every single risk when it comes to building your own business with Amazon.

In addition to the standard 30-day guarantee that already comes with ASM7, yesterday they announced the ASM7 Buyback Promise.

With this additional guarantee, you have a full 6 months to go through the training, launch your business, and implement the marketing systems in ASM7. As long as you do all the steps they tell you to do, if you decide this business isn’t right for you, then they will BUY BACK your entire business for your investment in ASM7 ($3,497) PLUS up to $1,500 in inventory. (See the full details here)


Doors close to ASM7 FOR GOOD this Friday, April 28th. This is your chance to get in.

>> Click here to grab your spot in ASM7 now: https://ki143.isrefer.com/go/ASM7VID4/makingumoremoney

>> Or, click here to watch yesterday’s jam-packed Facebook live video walking you through how to go from $0 to $25K per month on Amazon: (See the full details here)

[Tommy F]

P.S. Do you live in Europe? Then they have a special live webinar just for you. Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 26th at 12PM Central Time, they’re hosting a live webinar covering the European Opportunity. Click here to register for tomorrow’s live webinar specifically for people living in Europe…: 
(See the full details here)

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